

Request a review on any code, regardless of the state of your repo, even on WIP. Ditch the friction of save, branch, commit, push, create PR, email, pull, and so on. Review code with full source-tree.



A cloud native artifact repository manager offering both public and private repositories. CloudRepo allows high performance software development teams to securely store and share artifacts for use in other builds and development processes.



CodePen is a social development environment for front-end designers and developers. It’s the best place to build and deploy a website, show off your work, build test cases, and find inspiration.



Video chat tool with pair programming. Code in real-time directly from your IDE with your team.



Real-time code collaboration inside any IDE. Turn your IDE into a collaborative space where you can work together in real-time



A platform-independent tool helping teams to ship products faster by enabling rapid sharing and inspection of design files sourced from Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD and Figma.

Live Share for VS

Live Share enables your team to quickly collaborate on the same codebase without the need to synchronize code or to configure the same development tools, settings, or environment.

TeleType for Atom

TeleType for Atom

Teletype for Atom lets developers share their workspace with team members and collaborate on code in real time.



CodeOnline is a free online IDE with a powerful and secure remote workspace in the Cloud with a web-based Visual Studio Code.

Toast Ninja

Toast Ninja

GitHub pull request updates & code review reminders – delivered on a toast. Toast combines happy user experience with clean UI, so you know at a glance what’s on your plate